Microshield - mobile phone radiation protection cases

Microshield - Distributor Registration Microshield - Distributor Registration

Microshield - Distributor Registration

Microshield is constantly looking to expand its representation in the UK and indeed all over the world, so every mobile user can get the radiation protection offered by our products.

The interest from parties wishing to distribute Microshield’s products is tremendous, but to enable us to consider each request we do need some brief background information first.

If you could provide answers to the following questions and then press send

We will contact you within 7 days to discuss the matter further.

Microshield - Distributor Registration Microshield - Distributor Registration
Please Complete The Following
  Please provide your contact information:
    Full Name:  
    Company Name:  
    Contact Phone:  
    Contact Fax:  
    Contact E-Mail:  
    Address Line 1:  
    Address Line 2:  
    Postal/Zip Code:  
 Please Provide The Following Details :

    Please provide your proposals for marketing and distributing the Microshield, including plans for advertising and promoting the product.



    Please provide an indication of the resources you will be applying to this
    venture both in terms of manpower and budgets.



    Please provide a brief description of your business and an indication of its size, e.g. in the case of a company, number of employees, turnover, etc..



    Please provide an indication of your experience in marketing new products
    (if applicable).



    Please provide details of the scope of your distribution network.



*Please ensure that you have fully completed the application